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We had a great time at the Toronto Sportsman Show....we brought Cleo, Zeus, and Isis...Cleo ended up with 3-2nd places, 2-3rd places, and 1 fourth...Zeus ended up with 1-2nd, and 2-3rd place finishes, we missed 1 show with him, we were outside....Isis ended up with 1-1st, 1-2nd, 1-3rd, and 1-4th, both Zeus and Isis had excellent critiques, and the judges said they were both very promising....The pups didn't feel like working for us at first, so we kept them out of a couple shows, but eventually they came around....They should do very well in the ring in the future...
We have only been to a couple shows so far, but here are some results....
Szentleleki Voros Doris Show Results to date
2 group 4th - RBCSWO
2 group 2nd - RBCSWO
9 first - RBCSWO
5 best of winners - RBCSWO
Cleo received a judges critique of Very good Type, and excellent head, expression, topline, underline, front, ribs, loins, hindquarters, condition, and movement front and rear, at the Brampton RBCSWO show!!
We are going to show the pups at the canadian National show in June.....and hopefully lots more shows throughout the year.....hope to see you there!!
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